The Journey Began...
We set out to create a nutrition hub to help as many people as possible.
Together, we put all our content, recipes and more within an app so people can have access whenever they need it.
We merged our client base with great success and developed a wider community.
Meet Freddie
Owner & Part Of The 'Association Of Nutrition'
Freddie studied Human Nutrition at University, finishing in 2019. He then applied for the 'Anutr' status which was granted in 2020 and he set up his nutrition business.
At first, Freddie focused on helping people get fit in the gym but after a year he realised this was very superficial and people ended up not learning the nutrition habits and even put on more weight after the program finished.
After setting up a food venture business, Freddie then created the program 'Thrive' to focus on nutrition for people who wanted to not just change their looks but their whole output.
Over the last 5 years Freddie has helped over 350 people with their nutrition.
From custom nutrition plans to in-depth video calls to helping clients get their bloods tested to test micronutrient profile - Freddie has transferred his nutrition knowledge to those that needed it most.
His goal is to create a large & successful community where people have access to simple nutrition that is effective.
Meet Vara
Coach & Personal Trainer
Vara got into the fitness in 2022 looking to help others perform better.
Her love for cooking led her to showcase her nutritional knowledge to more people in Vietnam.
Vara trains at the 'New Gym' and has many success stories from in-person consultation.
She now wants to develop an online platform to help more people.
During her time as a coach Vara has helped numerous people get in shape and implement nutritional practices.
Vara has built her own Vietnamese community that is continuously growing.
Vara's aim is to help thousands of people in multiple countries sort out their nutrition to Thrive
In Total
400+ Individuals Helped
100+ Videos Created
1 User-Friendly App